The four major application areas in Railways where batteries are used
- Train Lighting and Air-conditioning of SG coaches
- Diesel Engine starting
- Electric Locomotives and Electric Multiple Units
- Signalling and Telecommunications
Batteries for Train lighting and Air-conditioning of Railway coaches:
Indian Railways use various types of passenger Coaches both non AC and AC in their fleet. Major portion of these coaches are Self Generating (SG) type where the electrical power is derived on a standalone basis from alternators driven by Axle through V belt drive as long as the coach is moving at maximum full load output (MFO) speed of Alternators. However, when the coach is stationary or moving at lower than MFO speed, the entire coachs electrical load (including AC load in case of AC coaches) is met by a battery. The power generating system along with the battery is fitted in the coach itself. Battery is fitted in a battery box underneath the coach.In this application the battery has to perform in a dusty atmosphere, moderate to high vibration, varying temperature, restricted time of checking/maintenance and in a continuous charge-discharge mode. It is the ultimate test of performance and life of a battery where reliability is of utmost importance.
Matri Shree Powertronics Pvt. Ltd with its full range of batteries for this application starting from 120Ah to 1100Ah capacity - both Low Maintenance (LMLA) and Maintenance Free (VRLA) types having track record of proven performance with optimal life is one of the largest suppliers to Indian Railways for the Train Lighting and Air Conditioning application .
Batteries for Engine Starting in Diesel Locomotives :
Large diesel engine starting in Railway Locomotives is a unique application and it differs greatly from starting engines of small combustion volumes such as cars or trucks. The difference lies in the heavier weight of moving parts and higher resistance of pistons motions in cylinders.While starting a diesel loco engine, the starter battery need to provide power to perform several pre start functions like powering up hydraulic pumps, air compressors, brake systems etc, mandatorily required for smooth engine starting without any damage to engine components.
As such, battery gets partially discharged before actual cranking of the engine.
Robustness of design is therefore of utmost importance for the battery used for diesel engine starting application.
Matri Shree Powertronics Pvt. LtdLow Maintenance Tubular diesel engine staring batteries of capacities 290,450 and 500AH are the first choice of Railways due to its unparalleled performance and life,proven over the years in this field.
Batteries for Electric Locomotives and Electric Multiple Units:
The Electric Multiple Units (EMU) are a part and parcel of suburban India and the life line for millions of commuters every day. Secondly, use of Electric Locomotives is increasing with increased railway electrification.Both EMU coaches and electric locomotives run on the electric power supply available from the overhead grid & power is transmitted through the roof mounted Pantograph.To energize the equipments from disconnected situation (when the loco/EMU is in Car shed), independent power supply from a battery is required to lift and connect the pantograph to the grid.Also in an emergent situation, battery power is used for braking.
The reliability of battery is important as the starting operation of the equipment depends on it.
Matri Shree Powertronics Pvt. Ltd 10V 75 and 90AH Low maintenance tubular batteries are the preferred choice of Railways for EMU and Electrical Loco application over the years.
Batteries for Railway Signalling and telecommunications:
Signalling infrastructure is by far the most critical area of railway movement as major part of railway safety is dependent on the robustness and reliability of the signalling equipment and nothing less than 100% fail safe mechanism is adopted.Railway Signalling is a complex arrangement and the most important aspect of the entire scheme is providing continuous power supply to the signalling equipments with robust and reliable power back up all the time.
Battery therefore, is an integral part of the signalling infrastructure to provide backup power and keep the signalling system operational in case of any interruption / break down in Mains power.To cater to the needs of the application, more often than not signalling batteries are to be installed in rather difficult environmental conditions remote locations, beside railway tracks under hot and humid ambient condition, exposed to dust and vibrations etc.
For major part of its network, Indian Railways use to have its own telecommunication systems to ensure uninterrupted channel of communication for smooth running of its vast logistics operation. For this system also batteries are used for backup power.
Needless to mention that the batteries used for S & T application have to have highest degree of reliability
Matri Shree Powertronics Pvt. Ltd Manufactures and supplies wide range of batteries from 40AH to 500AH - both low maintenance tubular and maintenance free types to Indian Railways for S & T application. These batteries have an established credential of long life and best performance over last few decades.